As mentioned, some of the air ducts are made entirely of asbestos, although others are often made of metal that is wrapped with some insulation. By nature, asbestos is really great at insulating and it is for this reason why it is commonly used in the attic and air ducts of some of the houses in Los Angeles, and on some other parts in the world.
This product looks like a corrugated cardboard that is often available in off white color. Remember that using the asbestos as insulation is not really harmful, but it is when the product would break down and deteriorate that it could trigger some health problems. So before you and your loved ones would suffer, you better get an
asbestos removal and
air duct replacement now.
Air conditioner ducts have enough vacuum to store bacteria, pollen and other atmospheric dirt that further contaminate the air. These grimy microbes multiply and form dirt cakes that should be removed immediately to clean the air coming from the air conditioner. We make sure that cleaner, healthier homes are achieved by keeping the air ducts clean of dust and dirt. Our team of professionals will conduct a thorough examination of your air conditioner and suggest the right type of cleaning for you. In case a replacement is needed, we use only the finest material to replace your ducts and ensure that everything is insulated and sealed to balance your HVAC system.